
Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

Curriculum 2013 Isuue

Education curriculum in Indonesia has been changed for many times. In my school year, I've experienced learning using Curriculum Based Competence (KBK) in my junior high school, Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) in my senior high school and today the government has already arrange a new curriculum for better education in all grades. In this new academic year, government trying out to apply a new curriculum design name Curriculum 2013. An ordinary people will think it was only "pencitraan" of the newest administration. But, are they really know what is Curriculum 2013? Why it has to be applied in Indonesia?

In November, Indonesia’s deputy minister of education, Musliar Kasim, explained that changes in the Indonesian educational system curriculum was an absolute necessity because, “Right now many students don’t have character, tolerance for others, empathy for others.” It means, the government really need a new curriculum design in order to make the young generations not only has a broader knowledge but also has a good moral. They know how to be thankful, appreciate what they already have, tolerance for people around, and about cooperativeness. Curriculum 2013 will puts attitude in the higher place than knowledge and skill competence

Curriculum 2013 will make a lot of changes in the system of Indonesian education from elementary school level to senior high school, some lesson will be dismissed. In the coming academic year 2013/201, the changes made will be on the process of learning, the number of lessons, and also the learning time will be longer than before. This new curriculum design causes pros and cons. 

As my observation in the real situation, it says that the teachers itself have not been ready for this coming curriculum. It was a pathetic reality that they do not know the contain of Curriculum 2013 and what is the purpose of this new curriculum. It is really needed to the government and others who has responsibility in this kind of field to give a deep training and prepare them to be a qualified teacher with a new curriculum design.

Here I will share to the reader specially for English teachers about the KI KD 2013 and also the Syllabus Curriculum 2013 of English for senior high school level:
1. KI KD Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI
2. KI KD Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII
3. Syllabus Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X
4. Syllabus Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI
5. Syllabus Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII



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