
Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Semantic Development of Child

Semantic Development of Child
Child language development in semantic knowledge consists of building up the lexical entry of a word until their words will match that of an adult. Children begin by using a word in a restricted setting, eventually they start using the word in a larger semantic network and they learn to detach it from the situation in which they gained this knowledge.
A.    The Meaning of Semantic
Semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic tokens such as words, phrases and clauses. It examines which signs are used, how they make reference to things, ideas, emotions, and so on, and how the hearer interprets them.

B.     Categorical Concepts in Semantic Development
            1.      Overextension
                  An overextension may occur when a word is extended to apply to other objects that share a certain feature, such as a common property of shape, color, sound and size. Car might be applied to other vehicle or moon to other circular objects.

           2.      Underextension
                 Underextension occurs when a word is used with a more restricted meaning than it has in the adult language. Dog might be used only to refer to the family dog or shoes only applied to the child’s personal shoes.

     C.    How The Children Do to The Developing Semantic
·         Hyponymy : a typical definition of a specific word
Example :  Oak is a hyponym of tree.
                  Dog is a hyponym of animal.
                  Boar is a hyponym of pig.
The child will almost always use the “middle” level term in a hyponymous set such as “animal – dog - poodleà the children first use dog with an overextended meaning close to the meaning of “animal
·         Antonym : a word having a meaning opposite to another word.
Example : “more” is the antonym of “less”
                  “before” is the antonym of “after”
                  “tall” is the antonym of “short”
It also seems that antonymous relation are acquired fairly late (after the age of five). In on study, a large number of kindergarten children pointed to the same heavily laden apple tree when asked Which tree has more apples? And also when asked Which tree has less apples? They just seem to think the correct response will be the larger one, disregarding the difference between more and less.

     D.    The Example in Indonesia

The children use “mobil” for all vehicles which has four wheel and machine. When in the road the adult pointed out the bus the children will say that is a mobil.

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Characters of Good ESL/EFL Teachers

ESL/EFL learners are being increase time by time. They come with the same purpose, to learn a second language and being success with it. Connecting with this kind of situation, the teachers of ESL/EFL are demand to be a high quality of ESL/EFL teachers. Remember that a successful of learners born from a qualified teachers. I've search some site to know what are the characters for being a qualified ESL/EFL teachers. Here the result, I will share you some good characters of good ESL/EFL teachers. 

1.     A Genuine Relationship with Students
Researchers Deiro (1996) and Noddings (1992) found that teachers who genuinely care about their students have a significant impact on the students’ attitudes, motivation and behavior.  These students work harder and are more successful learners. They learn English faster and display stronger skills. Think of a teacher who you knew really cared about you as a person.  How did this affect your classroom performance and the success you had in that class, which in turn impacted your future success as a learner? The relationship between a student and teacher is the most important factor difference for ESL students. Being your student's friend in classroom is the effective way to get close with your student and it will help your teaching performance in classroom. The atmosphere in classroom will be fun.

2.     Understanding of a Student’s Cultural Background
A teacher who openly welcomes students and accepts the cultural differences can help with an easier acceptance by the school environment.  When a student feels valued, he/she is more apt to assimilate into the English-speaking culture, to make friends and increase opportunities to use English. Students who engage in more conversation and activities with native-born English speakers, acquire English skills quicker which help to boost more skills.

3.     Training in Second Language Education Techniques and Approaches
Quality professional training development opportunities need to be available to help these teachers and other staff members who teach culturally and linguistically diverse students. Instruction needs to be ongoing and offered in a whole array of learning formats from short workshops and one-time inservices to online classes and those that stretch over longer periods of time.  These educational opportunities should be available for free or low cost, possibly with added incentives to the teacher.  They should be available in the most convenient settings and at times to accommodate the “busy” teacher who is already pulled and stretched beyond what most careers expect.

4.     Understanding the Individual Needs of Students
It is helpful to assess the student’s language proficiency and educational history.  The design of the classroom lessons can then be individualized to focus on each student’s functional English level in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. This ongoing student assessment helps the teacher obtain current functional levels so lessons can be targeted towards maximum growth. Ongoing assessment will support daily instruction and targeted learning needs of a student will help that child acquire language quicker and build self-confidence.

5.     Encouraging English Conversations & Involvement Outside the Classroom
Students who more actively engage outside the classroom in extracurricular or community activities cultivate friendships and interests which help with broadening language acquisition. When students feel more confident and have some degree of language skill, they can be encouraged to join other school- and community-related activities.  These can be based on the students’ interests.  Maybe a student enjoys the outdoors and scouting is a good option; sports, music and art might be other avenues; some students might be befriended by native speakers who invite them to participate in something they are engaged in.  Another suggestion is joining groups and clubs that build on an international focus like English clubs and etc.  Being active and also volunteering to help towards some larger purpose can also build relevancy to learning and involvement.

6.     A Willingness to Connect with Communities
Teachers need to analyze what skills are most important to learn at any given time, and then teach those.  As students progress through a hierarchy of skills and meet success, their learning will soar.  Lessons that are built on high interest and tied to the present needs of the students work well. 



Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

Info: Scholarship Teaching Clinic

What a wonderful life would be if today's young generation has a better English skill. They can do anything they like easily without any matter problem. Everyone knows that English has an important role in today's life. It is for business, education, marketing, and many more. But sadly not everyone around the world can get an opportunity to continue their education and sharpen up their English skill. It was always  related to fees and place. A high fees of education estrange them to continue their dream to study. A far place of study sometime make them afraid and too much worrying. 

A few days ago, I just come to Global English Course in Pare village, Kediri. I was interviewing the manager Mr. Agus and he offered me a scholarship to take course in Global English for young generation who has a high motivation to study. The scholarship is destined to who has a dream to be a professional educator. It will take 10 months training. The tutor will train you to be a qualified English educator with a high character. 
For more information about the requirement and how to get it you can check here

It is better if the devotee is the local person. Don't miss it.